how to prepare

Read the following to understand how to best prepare for the permanent make-up procedure.

Brows: Avoid caffeine and alcohol the day of your procedure. Do not take aspirin, or ibuprofen on the day of the procedure. If you are taking a blood thinner please consult your doctor prior to stopping.

Avoid fish oil one week before your procedure. No Botox one month prior to the procedure. Stop using Retin-A or AHA products 2 weeks prior to procedure. Avoid Botox, lasers, chemical peels, and Microdermabrasion 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

How to prepare for the permanent make-up appointment: Lips

Lip injections are not recommended two months before the lip micro pigmentation procedure. A moisturizing ointment is recommended for one week prior to your lip blush procedure. Lip blush cannot be performed on dry/ cracked lips. Please drink plenty of water and hydrate for 3 days prior. If you have ever experienced a cold sore (even one) an antiviral should be taken a few days before and after the procedure. Stimulation from the needles/machine during a lip blush procedure can trigger a cold sore outbreak if you are prone. An outbreak can ruin lip blush results. Acyclovir is a common choice for anti-viral medication. Please discuss this with your physician.

Permanent Eyeliner: On the day of your procedure, you’ll need to remove contact lenses. You will need to wear glasses for the next 48 hours. Protect your eyelids from UV rays.